Wow! I don't even know where to start...I almost died. I'm so happy to be alive!!! It feels like a scene from a movie where you come in from water to dry ground and you kiss everything in sight. I just kiss my husband and kids, so happy to still be with them. Shortly after having Freja I contracted Group A Strep. Apparently my uterus did not close in a timely fashion, allowing bacteria to climb on board. I kept thinking that the pain was just after birth pains because I usually do get those pretty bad. It wasn't until I could hardly put my own pants on that I decided to go to the hospital. I always wait too long! So I went in to the ER where they diagnosed me with septic shock. They were giving me morphine (nasty stuff) for the pain. The morphine would give me about ten minutes of relief and then the pain was back. Anyway they transferred me up to the ICU where I stayed the night. The next morning I was given a paper that I was asked to sign saying that in case of anything getting worse that I consented to them taking my uterus. I wasn't sure I was done with it yet...but it wasn't really a choice anymore. So I called Aaron and sobbed to him. He of course came right away. Within a couple of hours I was in surgery having an emergency hysterectomy. I had a 50% chance of coming out of the surgery alive. My uterus was already a dead organ when they pulled it out. Luckily they were able to save my ovaries (yay). I was kept in a sleep induced state for about 30 hours. My sisters came to see me and I am disappointed to say that I later found out that Chauntel was the only one that cried when they saw me like this. I did not see any bright lights or Angels or anything! But after a few more scares...Dr's thinking my liver might be infected, water around my heart and just general swelling, I was recovered enough to go home. I had a lot of firsts while in the hospital. It was my first time in my adult life in an ER, taking morphine, in an ICU, first surgery, first chest x-ray, first time having an IV in my neck (I had 5 IVs total), staples in my skin, first time having a bowel movement before I could get to the toilet (it's funny now)! Well, my mom stayed for a week after surgery and took care of us. When I released her from duty I thought she would absolutely float out of here she was so happy to leave. My house is small and pretty disorganized. It must have been really hard for her to stay as long as she did. Thank you to all those who came to lend support by visiting or helping. First of all my husband who was my rock, the only person that can truly comfort me, Second of all my Mommy, my amazing sister Chauntel (who in the back scenes of all that was happening to me was taking care of my precious newborn Freja), to my sisters Jessalyn and Darci who flew out of their homes and directly to Utah to do whatever they could, to Lara Kohntopp my sister in law who traveled at a moments notice all the way from Logandale and stayed for almost a week to help watch Anton and Brynja,to Carolyn Grey, to Larry and Jeanie Kohntopp, To All the Chattertons especially to Brandon for making me laugh so hard that I could have busted my gut LITERALLY!, And thank you to all the people who called and lent my husband support during this time, and who brought in food to feed my worn out family. Thank you for all the prayers, I truly saw the divine fruits of those special requests. Thank you!
6 years ago